Thursday, 25 June 2015

Day 7 & 8 - Business as usual

I am not going to write an individual blog for every day because at the end of the day we are here to work and learn, so some days are simple and the same as already described in previous days, so I will group some days together and point out some observations made of the geology.

Day 7 I was on soil gas sampling duty

During what seemed like a complete adventure as we bounce through the trees in the 4x4 we did pass through the a'a' flow from the 1646 San Martin eruption. The lavas of this eruption covered the greatest area on the island. There are also great examples of vesicles that have been elongated with the flow and flow thicknesses.

An example of flow thicknesses (me for scale). This is somewhere between 30-45m, making this 3 stacked a'a' flows as a minimum based on a maximum thickness of an a'a' flow of 15m

Vesicles elongate with flow

Day 8 sees me on CO2 efflux and surface temperature measurements.
It is great morning to be on the mountain doing something I love!

Today was a great morning to be on the mountain!

And well there is lava, lava, lava everywhere!
The pine forests show evidence of fire and rejuvenation suggests about three years ago. It is amazing how nature fights back.
A little treat hidden in the forest was the Saint Hoya de Sema eruption centre, also known as Cave of the Doves. From the very top to the bottom (today's bottom) it is about 30m deep.

Saint Hoya de Sema eruption centre

This is an example of the amount of soil gases sampled in a day (this is today's collection).

Every day is an adventure!

Buenas noches de La Palma!

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